Do you ever get in one of those dinking rallies where nothing much is happening? Where you look more like a dinking zombie than a pickleball player? Then, all the sudden, you snap out of it and realize “I’m trying to win this game!” 

You my friend were “Dumb Dinking”. We have all had those points… or lets be honest, entire matches, where we left our brains on the bench and didn’t think anywhere past “Get the ball over the net.” However, if we want to start winning points, then it’s time to put those thinking caps and start dinking with a purpose.

Listen to pro pickleball player Matt Wright give us a quick insight into how he puts a little intention into that paddle and dinks like he means it. Remember, learning a traditional dink is absolutely critical. This is not an exhaustive video on how to do this more advanced dink, but an encouragement to not let the subtlety of the dink game put it’s spell on you. So instead, put that grey matter to work and dink with a purpose.

Special Thanks To:

Matt Wright

Lucy Kovalova

Wichita Country Club

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